To impart quality education to the students, the full cooperation of the parents is imperative.
Children are nurtured by their parents at home, and looked after by their teachers at school.
Since both are important for shaping the personality and talent of the children, parents need
to co - ordinate with teachers. As you know, child rearing is no child's play !
With the aforementioned objective in mind , the school has a few suggestions for your perusal and execution.
- Since the child , except for a few hours at school , stays under the observation of parents , it must be
seen that he / she studies for at least three hours every day at home and keeps good company.
- You must ensure that your ward comes to school in neat and clean uniform.
- Avoid giving too much pocket money to the student.
- In order to be in touch with the progress of your child, you must make it a point to sign the progress
report or any other communication made on behalf of the school.
- In case of change of address, phone no. or any other related information, intimate school office at
the earliest.
- Parents / Guardians are not permitted to see students or teachers during the class hours without the
permission of the school authorities.
- No leave is granted during school hours except in very urgent circumstances.
- Please remember to send the tiffin of the child with the bag. Tiffin Box, medicines etc. are NOT
accepted during the school hours.
- Engaging private tutors is not approved by the management as a matter of policy. The school staff
is strictly prohibited from giving private tuition to any student of GRM.
- Late comers will not be allowed to enter the school.
- No student will absent himself / herself for first three consecutive days of the new session, else his /
her name shall be struck off from the school rolls.
- Parents / Guardians may ring up at 8979622999 during school hours or email at
for any query related to school matters.